moved the desk to the middle of the room...it's amazing how this opens things up to something new and oh! i just have so many thoughts about how to finish up the room now. don't have pictures 'cause don't have the camera dock set up yet.
i'm going to get a black and white rug for the floor (and hope it is not too jarring) and i might hang up some 70s floral print curtains that were given to me years ago. i have a wooden curtain rod in my basement...
as far as returning the black and white prints to the wall - i'm a little intimidated about it. firstly, since the pictures will have to stand alone on an entire wall (no couch underneath) i feel like i need one bigger one somewhere in there so it is not too "busy." i wish i would inherit some cool retro-ie things to put up. i would love to do something funky and different....it will come to me. an object would be awesome...hmmm. have also considered even wallpapering just one wall with a white background print, with a floral/bird motif. anyways, here are some photos i like... thinking about chairs and an office chair, someday, an office chair, something colorful? i'm gonna check ebay sometime and see what comes up. although shipping for furniture is crazy expensive, even if you find a good deal on ebay, you pay through the nose on shipping.
rambling, rambling...