Saturday, February 28, 2009
Simple Sewing - and recycling!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The room of red....
Don't tell anyone, but I might paint this room soon. The red is so oppressive. I don't have the lamps on the pianie anymore cause of course we don't want the Rafer pulling them down!
Alison, i like your suggestion of a gold color. would coordinate with curtains. or maybe just offwhite. for some reason i also can picture doing a very subtle faux finish in here (for in my next life when i have that sort of time...) maybe two shades of off-white/goldie color, layered, barely noticeable. For red, this is a great one. it's just so dark in this room that it's unpleasant to even be in.
Well, ya know, my dream home is insanely white, white white. White floors, furniture, etc. It would probably be annoyingly sterile, right? It would last a day, then i would start painting colors, im sure. Speaking of white, i need to post a picture of the completed master bathroom. Problem is, it's always messy! Perhaps will just post a messy picture of it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
entryways, again

Here is a bird lamp I found which is in the entryway. I have a thing for bird lamps, I get all excited about them. Once I saw a Buddhawithchildren sculpture turned into a lamp on ebay...I wish I had gotten that! I was told once it's not too hard to make your own lamps. I would like to learn how to do that some day.

Here is a really sweet friendly entryway. No ideas from this which I can use, since I don't have room for multiple mirrors and I have stuccoed walls. But isin't this wallpaper sweet?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
more about paintings

and then my bob rossian style landscape...chuckle! and levitating oranges. landscape is still in progress, but im sorta bored with it so might need to come back to that another time. i do a little when i have 15 mintues/30 minutes where i can safely neglect the children, heh heh... means less laundry done and less food cooked, but more happy mama.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
other painting

the other day i started doing some actual "painting"...it was so much fun to do again. obviously neither picture is done yet! my sister thinks that this is a sign of me going crazy. i think it's just the opposite! painting makes me happy!