A picture showing the wobbley shingles. The roof has to be replaced this month! Today the water was pouring down the wall in Stella's room!

This red room picture is mostly for Tina! I stole the chair from Stella's room for this room. It's still not quite right, but better than having the b and w couch in there? That was too big. I want to make this room so much lighter. The red is too strong. I wonder if I could go white and still ahve the curtains and wallpaper (not seen in this photo) still look good?

Again, sort of for Tina...I got the curtains up on the pantry! I've had these curtains for a while and so glad I found a use for them. Got them off of ebay a million years ago. Had to hem and iron them. They were the PERFECT width for the pantry! YAY!!!
Trying this arrangement for the living room. Feels more open this way.
And moved the black couch to the office. Matt says he doesn't want me to paint that room brown! I was suprised! It looks blue here, but is actually drab green.