Playroom.....hmmm, sounds extravagant, doesn't it? At least, I always thought it did... And having a guest room, that sounds extravagant, too. But, here I am now with a bedroom that is neither of those things. It is - just a wasteland of stuff!
Fortunately, or unfortunately, my camera is missing, so you won't get to see the "before" of what I have decided to designate "playroom." I'm hoping that if I can make this room pleasant and well-organized, toys and children will gravitate towards it. Thus, perhaps, my livingroom, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, etc., will start to seem a little more appropriate for grownups, rather than Lilliputians. I've grown used to clutter, I really have. And I know I will live with toy clutter for a long time to come. But, dare I dream to have a little bit less of it in every corner of my house?
I haven't found any fabulous playroom ideas, yet. Playroom storage stuff ranges from really flimsy and cheap to unbelievably expensive and Mod. I hope to find something in between. Well, closer to the cheap end, actually. I have a braided rug that is pastel colors that was in a different bedroom - that will be the color for the floor. I finally bought some paint. Stella and I both really like blue and green, and, oddly, she suggested the same wall color I had been considering - green on two walls, blue on other two. I am thinking red as accent. Had considered doing very stark white, like I have seen in some very modern rooms...but don't kids prefer color? I think so.
If anyone has any thoughts, has created a play place before, please share!